What is ascension

Our planet is moving out of a lower vibrating reality which is based in fear, hate, greed, confusion, control, manipulation, past, future and “negative” behaviors and belief systems and moving into a higher vibrating reality which is based on freedom, equality, peace, love and the present moment.

This means the “negative” structures and systems based on hate, greed, war, control, blame, etc will collapse and be replaced by new softer structures and systems which support freedom, equality, peace and love. Take a look at the economic collapse upon us.

Our current economy is based on greed, manipulation and control and this cannot exist in the new reality that we are moving into and becoming. This is not meant to be looked at as being personal or judgmental. The lower vibrations are not to be looked at as being bad or negative. They allowed us to learn from them. However, now it is time for us to move into a more free, effortless and peaceful reality.

As the planet moves into the higher vibrations the lower vibrations will naturally collapse and fall away. This is also happening on a personal level. You may feel the lower vibrating structures, beliefs, opinions and ideas of your ego collapsing and this may be why you are reading this in the first place. This can be a scary process at first but it gets easier and easier once you understand and trust what’s happening.

There are two different flows going in two different directions currently. One is a material flow which is based on trying, doing, fighting, ownership, control, greed, manipulation, etc. The other is a natural/spiritual flow that is based on being, allowing, accepting, peace, equality and freedom. The planet is in the natural/spiritual flow and it is our ride.

If one chooses to be comfortable here on earth one would allow oneself to flow with the natural/spiritual flow at this time. The good news about this is this means all you need to do is be effortless and peaceful. No thinking or doing is involved, just remaining aware, peaceful and effortless in the present moment… In other words – “It’s up to YOU !”

Be free to feel, live and be natural. This is freedom. Never let others tell you how to feel, live or be. Hey! Who am I to tell you what to do?

Unfortunately we were conditioned and programmed all of our lives to go with the material flow and very few of us know how to stop and simply be natural/spiritual. Society does not encourage a natural/spiritual behavior. So this may be a challenge at first but once you are in the natural/spiritual flow the waters will carry you the rest of the way effortlessly. The material flow is now leaving our planet. Not to worry because I’m sure it will lead those who choose to follow it to where they need to go.

No one is ever where they are not meant to be.

Untying Yourself from the Game Allow yourself to stop. Be still and know. By stopping you allow balance to occur.

You will naturally balance effortlessly by stopping and become the peace you have always been. Most people believe they are their bodies and or their thoughts, ideas, beliefs and opinions. This is not the case. The body has its own intelligence.

It knows how to breathe, sleep, digest, the heart beats, your eyes blink, etc. You may help the body but for the most part the body is your vehicle. You are the one animating the body. You are not the sensations and feelings in your body. You are the one experiencing/feeling them. You are not your thoughts, opinions and ideas. You are the one having and experiencing them. They are not you.

You are not all of your titles like mom, dad, doctor, happy, sad, loving, friendly good, ugly, etc. You are the one experiencing and playing the role of these titles. Ascension

You are not events in your life. You were the witness to these events in your life. You are the one experiencing life and experiencing all of the above. You are the awareness in the present moment.

You are here and now and you will always only be the awareness here and now. If you learn to simply live in the here and now without distorting yourself and adding stories to yourself and the events happening in your life then you become effortless. The more you become effortless in the here and now the freer you are.

Drop everything and be awake in each and every moment. Things still occur. Life still goes on but you move through each moment with grace and ease. When you are not living in the here and now and your awareness is caught in the past or future you are adding struggle to your life. Having your awareness caught in the past or future also adds confusion to your life and supports the false beliefs that you are your past, future, titles, events, sensations, thoughts ideas, etc.

The struggle within us is the struggle we see manifested “outside” us in our lives. The more peaceful, clear and effortless you are on the inside. The smoother your life glides in the natural flow. Take some time to be still and find the One inside who is experiencing the present moment. You may be thinking now but who is seeing or hearing these thoughts? You may have sensations in the body. Who is feeling these sensations in the body? Rest in the One who is experiencing. The peacefulness and effortlessness you find experiencing everything is you. If you are this peace how can you take things personally? If you realize this and apply this and live this way your life will become softer and easier.

View the “Ascenscion Video HERE

What is Awareness?

Awareness is you. You can describe the amount of awareness you have by using an example of a light bulb. If you are awake and fully aware you are shining at 100%. The more you are caught in your thoughts and confused the less you shine.

Guilt, worry, hate, blame and mind activities like these take away your awareness and decrease your percentage of light. For instance, if you have a piano recital and you are worried, the worried energy can only make you play worse because it is taking away your clarity, peacefulness and effortlessness. The more awake and aware you are the more peaceful you are and the more peace you add your existence and the existence of all things.

How can I get through these changing times/ascension without suffering? Be effortless and live in the present moment. Stop playing all games and wake up.

If I am awake and aware but not worried about anything who will take care of all of the people suffering? Picture a huge boxing ring full of fighting, struggling and suffering. I’m standing on the outside of the ring saying to you. Here’s my hand. You can come out here. It’s safe, you can get water, you can sit down, there’s peace…. You are close to getting out of the ring but you are still taking punches and seeing all the blood and you are saying but if I leave who’s going to help all of these people?

Well if you leave you will still see the suffering, you will still see the blood but you won’t be taking punches. Then if you choose to once you’ve rested and gotten yourself Awake and Aware enough, you can turn around and put your hand into the ring and yell, “Hey, over here! You don’t know to do that!” By you leaving the ring there’s is more space/peace in the ring, less people fighting and one less person adding chaos to the situation.

It still helps greatly to leave the ring even if you were just adding a little bit of struggle to the fight. More peace and space is available.


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